
Zachary-3, Andrew-4, Aidan-1

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

The boys and I are truly blessed. We have the best dad and husband anyone could wish for. Dave works a lot. Okay- that is an understatement. Dave never takes a day off from his job. Even when he is giving us his undivided attention, in the back of his head is some client or issue that needs to be resolved (although he will wait until everyone is asleep so that his job interferes as little as possible with family time). Even so, I love that his face lights up when he sees the boys, and that he wants to experience taking them to school, and read them stories. He would choose us over a nap, a round of golf, or reading the Sunday Times. What a giving and loving man! Happy Father's Day Dave! Hope you can have some time to relax today- and read the paper. We love you so very much :)

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