
Zachary-3, Andrew-4, Aidan-1

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Father's Day present

I have piles of pictures underneath our tv cabinet, along with other mementos here and there. There are so many photos on the computer that it keeps telling me that the memory is low. We have a Flip video recorder with snipits of video everywhere. I am a very organized person, and I always thought I would have albums for each of my children--documenting every milestone. Well, three children in 3 1/2 years robbed me from any ability to do that. I have toyed with the idea of creating a blog for over a year- but thought no one would want to read it! The other day it dawned on me--I will do it for Dave, for Father's Day. I have to admit I am pretty pumped about it. I think its a pretty great gift:)

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