
Zachary-3, Andrew-4, Aidan-1

Sunday, June 20, 2010

School is Done and Summer Fun!

 I love Summer....everyone is just a little more relaxed, even if life is just as crazy. Andrew and Zachary had their year end parties at Scribbles this week. What a great year they both had! Amazing teachers and friends. These are some of my favorite photos from their last days!

Happy Father's Day!

The boys and I are truly blessed. We have the best dad and husband anyone could wish for. Dave works a lot. Okay- that is an understatement. Dave never takes a day off from his job. Even when he is giving us his undivided attention, in the back of his head is some client or issue that needs to be resolved (although he will wait until everyone is asleep so that his job interferes as little as possible with family time). Even so, I love that his face lights up when he sees the boys, and that he wants to experience taking them to school, and read them stories. He would choose us over a nap, a round of golf, or reading the Sunday Times. What a giving and loving man! Happy Father's Day Dave! Hope you can have some time to relax today- and read the paper. We love you so very much :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Nitey Nite

I have breastfed all three boys. I am proud of it- and I can't imagine mothering them any other way. Aidan is my baby who would not ever (okay maybe once, sort of) take a bottle. Now that he is walking (a little), he comes after me in the morning, until he has his mama milk. Tonight, however he went to bed without his milk. We were laughing and singing, and I just didn't sit in the rocker. I kissed and hugged him, and put him down. He went to sleep. My last baby is growing up (and yes, I am a little sad).

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Father's Day present

I have piles of pictures underneath our tv cabinet, along with other mementos here and there. There are so many photos on the computer that it keeps telling me that the memory is low. We have a Flip video recorder with snipits of video everywhere. I am a very organized person, and I always thought I would have albums for each of my children--documenting every milestone. Well, three children in 3 1/2 years robbed me from any ability to do that. I have toyed with the idea of creating a blog for over a year- but thought no one would want to read it! The other day it dawned on me--I will do it for Dave, for Father's Day. I have to admit I am pretty pumped about it. I think its a pretty great gift:)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Eight Years

Today is our 8 year wedding anniversary. I could say that I am not sure where the time has gone, but it would be a lie! I know exactly where the time has gone. In eight years, we moved 3 times: Crescent Court, to Garden Street, to Willow Ave. to Hillview Terrace; made 3 babies: Andrew, Zachary and Aidan; had multiple jobs, vacations, ER visits, and ups and downs. It has been a very eventful 8 years--and I would not trade it for anything in the world.